Merkel odlazi, problemi na Balkanu ostaju

Šta je Merkel uspela da uradi za Zapadni Balkan? „Maksimum unutar datih okolnosti“, ocenjuju analitičari s kojima smo razgovarali. Drugim rečima: „Birokratija EU kao mehanizam opstrukcije nadilazila je kancelarku.“


Qamil Hoxha street ob. no. 29
appartment no. 7, Prishtina
10000, Kosovo


Opening Hours:

Mon – Fri: 08:30  – 16:30


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🎉Celebrating the 10th anniversary of impactful work, the Balkans Group has been at the forefront of addressing Kosovo's and the region’s most pressing challenges.

Through supporting peace, fostering dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia, strengthening institutions, advancing…


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